New Website
This will be my 5th website since the late ‘90s when I started forging iron and selling my work. That first website I developed myself when a friend suggested I could write it in html. “It will be easy” he said. I don’t know that “easy” would be my description, but it worked. For my second website I used the Mac OS website editor, and that was so much faster. The main idea was to have an online brochure and gallery of my work. The third time around, I hired a web developer to build a site that I could add e-commerce to in the future. Before I could do that, the website and developer both mysteriously disappeared. Version 4 was developed by a friend, and I finally added e-commerce. This site served me well for over 5 years, during which time I added YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.
Today, we are launching my latest website using Squarespace. My goal is to give a more unified presentation, take more control over the design, and connect with folks in some different ways. Social media has served us well, but has some serious short comings. Lots of folks don’t use social media, and our experience with social media is governed by algorithms that change without our understanding. So, we are adding a blog page to give more thoughtful and detailed content that you can interact with on your terms. We are also finally launching our email newsletter to give product updates and other news.
To all of you who have followed our journey, purchased our tools, and appreciate quality handcraft; thank you!